JKCSM (J.K. Computer Saksharata Mission) is a computer literacy program. This is run and managed by “Samrat Ashok Educational Trust”. The Trust has been registered under the Pulict Trust Act, Chairman 1882 (Reg.No01/0V.) from Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. It was established in 2022, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh.
The institute is also certified by ISO 9001:2015. The fundamental function of mission is to provide digital education to weaker class of society at lowest fees. It offers certificate courses, diploma courses,and short term courses.

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Registered Office-

Pratapgarh To Praygraj State Highway Delhupur, Pratapgarh Utter Pradesh
Mob- 6393612433
Mob-(2) 6386399112
E- Mail – jubair.khanzada@gmail.com

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